March News!

Dear friends of Invested Faith,

I was out with a Buddhist friend this week and she asked me if I could explain Easter to her as she’s never really understood its spiritual significance. 

Even though explaining Easter is what I actually do for a living—especially this week—I was a little caught off guard by her question. We ended up sharing a beautiful conversation as I tried to convey what I deeply believe: that death and decline are part of the experience of being human. And that we hold that reality alongside the beautiful truth that always, always following death is the promise and reality of new life. Whatever your faith tradition is (or none), I hope promise and reality of new life is part of your human experience. 

As Christians enter into some of the holiest days of the Church year, here at Invested Faith we feel so grateful to be the recipients of reminders of life every single day. Our Fellows actually embody not just the promise, but the actual reality of newness and hope. As we make our way through this week and through our lives, confronted again and again with the temptation of scarcity and decline, I hope you will join me in remembering that God is well at work in the world—an abundance of hope we can hang onto.

As you’ll read below, Invested Faith is growing at a steady clip and we need your help to live into the abundance with which we are confronted. There are so many opportunities to join the work of God in the world and we’d be so very glad for you and your community of faith to join us. Perhaps part of your nod to hope this week is a gift to Invested Faith?

I wish all of you many reminders of life and hope and promise, especially this week.



Fellows Find Support through RESOURCED program

Following our first in-person Fellows Gathering in St. Louis in January of this year, our Fellows have been meeting monthly on video calls to talk, share ideas and challenges, and find peer support in what is often lonely and isolating work. These connections help each of them as they solve problems together, share resources and solutions, and provide encouragement to keep moving forward. Want to support our Fellows program? Make a donation here!

Interested in becoming an Invested Faith Fellow?

Interested in becoming an Invested Faith Fellow? We have updated our process for considering potential Invested Faith Fellows. Over the last few months, we have been inundated with interest in our Fellows program - which is a great thing! To make the process flow a little more smoothly, we now ask that each person fill out a short form so we can make sure the project intersects with the Invested Faith criteria for Fellows.

Know someone who might be a great Fellow? Forward this email to them! You can find out more on our website here. And while you're there...

Check out the refreshed Invested Faith website!

We've done some updating! We have new FAQs for churches and faith organizations, a Thriving Church Partners page, a Legacy Church page, a new form for potential Fellows and more!

We would love to hear your thoughts or any questions you might have about Invested Faith!

Join the Invested Faith community!

It is truly an exciting time to get involved in the Invested Faith community! We would love to talk about how you can be involved in the work of changing the world. Just reach out here and we'll be glad to set up a conversation.


April News!


February News: Our 10th Class of Fellows and an amazing gift!