September News!

Happy beginning of Fall from all of us at Invested Faith!

In this month’s newsletter you’ll see that we’re as busy as ever, working to connect traditional communities of faith with faith-rooted social entrepreneurs all over the country. 

I’m delighted to introduce you to Kerry Brodie, the force behind Emma’s Torch, which employs and trains new Americans to work in the culinary and hospitality fields. If you need catering for any event in NY or DC, consider checking out their work. It’s astounding and inspiring!

We’re also excited to begin introducing you to Thriving Church Partners. As you know, Invested Faith began as a legacy tool for institutions at the end of their life cycles, but there are many traditional churches riding the wave of change and investing in the future because they see what we see: communities of transformation springing up all over—many outside traditional church constructs. We are grateful foand encouraged by our Thriving Church Partners, who see change coming and are actively working to welcome God’s new work wherever it’s showing up!

Finally, you’ve been hearing a lot about my book, “Beautiful and Terrible Things,” which will enter the world officially on October 3—next week. To celebrate, Invested Faith is giving away signed copies of the book to five lottery winners—enter here

October will be full of book events all over the country; you can follow along with my book event schedule here. I hope to see you somewhere along the way. In the meantime, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support of Invested Faith’s important work.

With a hopeful heart,


Introducing our Thriving Church Partners!

Over the last few years we’ve heard from many people and congregations who want to participate in the new life that God is creating all over. While Invested Faith was created as a way for congregations at the end of their lifespan to send forward their witness, we believe that flourishing communities can be a part of the bridge from institutional religion to the vital work our Fellows are doing in their own neighborhoods.

We’re launching a giving program for churches that are thriving and want to invest in the work of God through our Fellows. There are options for all levels of giving, from $500 to $15,000. Your community witness can help social entrepreneurs all over the country. To learn more about Thriving Church Parters, click here!

Meet our Fellow: Kerry Brodie

Kerry Brodie: Emma's Torch

Brooklyn, New York and Washington, DC

Cooking has always been a passion for Kerry Brodie. At the age of five, she started training under the watchful eye of her grandmother, a former caterer and event planner. In 2016, she founded Emma’s Torch as a way to use her privilege to lift others.

A non-profit social enterprise, Emma's Torch provides refugees with in-depth culinary training as well as employability, equity, and empowerment training. Participants learn in both a classroom and apprentice setting in the program's cafes and catering businesses and are set up for successful employment in an industry in which their cultural heritage and cuisine can be celebrated. Read more about Emma's Torch here.

Sign up for the Book Giveaway!

Invested Faith is giving away 5 copies of Pastor Amy's new book!

Each Friday in October (and one double bonus Friday!), Invested Faith will be drawing a name for a lucky winner who will receive a signed copy of Pastor Amy's new book, Beautiful and Terrible Things: Faith, Doubt, and Discovering a Way Back to Each Other. Sign up here (just once) for a chance to win every Friday!

Be sure to forward this email along to other friends who might be interested in winning a free book!

Make sure you get a copy!

Pre-order Pastor Amy's book, Beautiful and Terrible Things: Faith, Doubt, and Discovering a Way Back to Each Other. You can preorder the book online today and on October 3 the book will be on the shelves! For the month of October, Pastor Amy will be traveling, speaking, and preaching all over; bookmark her schedule to connect somewhere near you!

Join the Invested Faith Community!

There are more ways than ever to get involved in the Invested Faith community! Invest in our Fellows as a Thriving Church Partner, support one of our Fellows with a matching grant, or reach out with your big idea. We would love to talk!

Make sure to sign up for out monthly newsletter below so you don’t miss out on the latest happenings and news!


October News


Introducing our 8th Class of Invested Faith Fellows